Description of (16년 2월) 훈철이의 가위바위보게임 Coding Club Junior Software Club App Maker, Final Project Scissors is a rock-and-roll game. Scissors Rocks game is a smartphone scissors rocks game made with App Inventor. When the game starts, choose one of the scissors rocks to tell you who has won against one of the random scissors rocks picked from the computer. This game is part of It is the work that the student made by Mr. Hoon. Please have a lot of fun and encourage us. [Introduction to Coding Club] Coding Club is 'Anyone can learn coding and become a maker with technology' Interested in software, programming, digital creation that started with faith It is open learning, creation community for all. Experts from various fields such as educators, developers, designers, planners and artists gather Learn to code together, create digital content, We offer a program that is easier and more fun to learn. Website: codingclubs.rummy noboborg Facebook page: Facebook group: YouTube (online lesson):
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