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Free download Rocket APK for Android

source:sourcesource:admindate 2024-06-05

Description of Rocket "Sooner or later, our life will have to go beyond this blue-green ball - or we will die out "- once said Elon Musk, founderSpaceX. All of us are committed beyond the known, and the most spectacular and unknown- This space!App "Rocket" clearly show what only dreamed and builtthe assumption by many generations of researchers. For the "Rocket" - a journey inthe impenetrable darkness of space, almost touch, from planet to planet. itfierce battle with the ruthless space pirates - for the loserwill remain in the empty space debris iron trash. This meteor shower -and only the captain's steady hand on the remote control will be able to hold the ship betweenmeteorites. If you've always wanted to feel like a brave mezhplanetnikom,leading his ship to a distant satellite with an important mission, "Rocket" - iswhat do you need!Rocket - upscale arcade game, the number of difficulties inpassing - almost new Star Wars! Aim for a newaccomplishments, moving away from the pursuit of military aircraft, so that no one enemy missile is notreached the goal, maneuver to avoid hitting another meteorite and, of course,Explore new planets. The research mission for the patient, but know thatwhen you open the secrets of 99 planets in front of you will be a brand new,Mystical unexplored planet - and a new game mode.Simulator "Rocket" you can see "the game without the Internet," so thatany technical malfunctions or disruptions in the network will not interfere with yourship moving forward through time and space. In addition, the "Rocket" appreciatefans of old classics - because this game is made in the style of the old gamemachines, such as arcade games look particularly familiar and attractive.So do not be confused by any cosmic vorummy apkrtexes, no meteor shower,no alien ships and planes with missiles aimed at you! Get behind the wheel -and forward. Now you have only a clear sky!

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