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Free download Luntik: Game for Kids APK for Android

source:sourcesource:admindate 2024-05-28

Description of Лунтик: Игра для малышей Luntik loves children to join him in a fun educational adventure! You are waiting for three different game modes: &quoScatter Slots - Slot Machinest;Insert a picture" - Put the objects in their places according to their form "Guess the picture" - Guess the object by its name "Get the picture" - Puzzle for the little ones A colorful and exciting game based on the beloved cartoon will not leave indifferent any kid. Your child will be able not only to make friends with the characters he knows, but also learn new words and phenomena with their help. The game contains 7 worlds: Meadow - get acquainted with nature; Glade for games - we collect toys; The first snow - we meet the winter; Water World - explore river inhabitants; Hobby - we study various subjects; New Year - meet the new year with your favorite characters; Homeliness - vacation continues; Spring - outside the window the sun and luntik goes for a walk. Dear Parents! Leave feedback and suggestions about our apps for kids. We really appreciate your opinion! After all, with his help we will be able to make more quality games that will benefit in the development of your child. You can also follow the updates and promotions, as well as learn all about the great games from 8floor on the facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/8FloorGames If your child liked our game, please rate it on this page. More stars - more smiles! The game was created in close cooperation with the authors of the animated series about the adventures of Luntik and his friends - the STV film company and the "Melnitsa" studio.

Version history Лунтик: Игра для малышей New in com.eightfloor.luntiklearnwordsfree 2.4.0 In this update: - Disconnected the system of bundles, now no additional downloading of files, improved performance, bug fixes Please rate this app

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