Description of geometry vertical dash I present to you all the new cartoon saga: The CartonsFaces.For all of you, regardless of age or taste, the CartonsFaces will fill a gap in your hearts, or in your SmartPhone. That because? Simple:1- It's fun2- Simple ... more than simple.With a single control, tapping the screen to jump, guide your favorite CartonFace over the peaks and jump over the blocks to reach the end of the level. Any error will result in instant death and a respawn at the beginning of the level. With an impressive soundtrack according to the game, even if you lose you will get rewards!I repeatEven though you lose you will get rewarded !! You will never be wasting your time, no matter what!3- Less than 15 megs apk weight4- It works with fluency even in my mobile (which already has merit given the years that has)5-Completely free. No small print, Free !! (Seriously, please give me a message if you think you can ask for more))6-Completely free. No small print, Free !! (Seriously, please give me a message if you think you can ask for more)It has cost me months of work but it has finally been worth it,Now yes, With all of you, the CartonsFaces In: The adventure more Fast and Dura xd jePd: I hope your constructive opinions, I will take careDragon Tiger Slots of every word you give and hope to improve with your help.*Aviso: para que vaya fluido se debe usar un Smartphone de Gama Media, No BAJA!!Por cierto, todas vuestras opiniones las tomaré muy en serio, espero que con vuestra ayuda podamos hacer de este juego algo decente. Quiero que esto sea de todos. Hecho por y para todos y pondré aquí los nombres de los que hayáis aportado algo constructivo. Además de vuestras imágenes jugando si me la mandáis y Haré un vídeo con los nombres de los que hayáis enviado vuestras opiniones. Vídeo que publicaré aquí. claro.Update with more integration in Facebook.Problems fixedPerformance improvement.
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