Description of Piano Tiles 1 Free 2016 Piano Tiles 1 Free 2016 (known as the tiles piano - do not click on the white Piano Tiles 1 Free 2016) is a handheld game for one player. The game contains eight (8!) Modes. These conditions are put Classic; arcade mode. Put tremble; put double trouble; Reverse mode, and not to touch the black tile setting, and put blackout, and the development of transformation.Piano tile is a game where the goal of the player is to capitalize on the black tiles as they appear from the top of the screen with white avoid. When tapped all black tiles, it will emit the sound of the piano. There are dozens of famous compositions. If a player taps on white tiles, the player will lose the game and be signaled by a note out of tune.ModesClassic styleThere are a fixed number of tiles player must touch to win. Manually moving the screen, a rate that has touched the tiles. Player may try to touch the tiles in as little time as possible.Arcade modeThe tiles on the screen moves automatically and the player must keep up the pace. Match for even missed one stone in the middle, or use white tiles.Situation trembleDo not touch the same white tile tileMode but moves with random speed.The weakness of the situation troublesDo not touch the same white tileMode but the user has to tap on twice more tiles on each line.Reverse the situationDo not touch the same position white tiles, but the tiles moving down, not up.Do not touch the black tiles putDo not touch 92rummy.comthe same white tile, but the user must tap the black tiles, but on the white tilePut blackoutDo not touch the same white tile, but it becomes a black screen and the user will not see anything for the momentMode shiftDo not touch the same white tile, but can be as long as the tile moves horizontaly verticaly.
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