Description of Survival Space Shooter Special thanks to Unity family .. This game is designed for LG G3 for android devices. ---- HoW To Play ----- There are 2 game modes: "Arcade" and "Survival". Arcade mode has missions and these missions give you "BatteryCharge" which is used to fire your lazer as double, triple, penta or supermode on the survival mode. a really huge score .. You should clean all the levels of Arcade and collect as much energy as you can before survival mode. There are also new options on survival mode, such as gaining experience, leveling up, and upgrades. You can increase your ships' health, armor, attack speed and batteryRegenerator with these points. And if the ship's energy goes over 1.000 point you can enter SuperWeaponMode. While your ship's laser is upgrading, your energy needs also increase. And at the superWeaponMode you really need a huge amount of energy. You can also collect energy by defeating your enemies. And destroyed bosses give you extra energy. Survival mode also has two extra collactable objects which will give you health and armor .. And do not forget, your enemies will become stronger as much as you are alive. How long will you survive? ______________ --- How to play--- There are two modes in the vote: Arcade and Survival. When each episode in arcade mode is completed, the player gains energy. Energy allows both your laser to be fired in pairs, triples, and quarters, as well as activating the super weapon mode that can be used in survival mode. As the laser power increases, the amount of energy consumed by the body increases. The energy drops in the laser as the energy falls. The main objective of the game is to survive in survival mode, reaching high scores forever. There are options to gain experience in survival mode, level jump, enhance ship properties. When a player skips a level, he can increase the strength of the ship, his armor, the speed of the laser firing, and the energy production at the moment. The laser automatically improves itself. This improvement is adjusted according to the amount of energy. The super weapon mode can be activated when the energy is greater than 1,000 degrees. Super weapon mode must be used with caution because it uses enormous amounts of energy. If the energy falls below 1,000 points, the super weapon mode automatically turns off. You can meet your energy need by increasing the energy regeneration in the sanctuary and by collecting the energy batters from the destroyed meteor and ships. In Survival mode, objects that provide additional health and armor increases may be collected at regular intervals. Remember that every second in the survival mode your enemies will be strengthened and they will struRocketLeague ggle with their forces to destroy you. How long can you stand?
Version history Survival Space Shooter New in Survival Space Shooter 2.0 Resolution Problem Solved .. The resolution problem has been removed. Please rate this app
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