Novena to Saint Joseph, saint who is known as the custodian of the holy family, is an application developed in a meticulous way, in order to collect in one application everything related to St. Joseph Obrero, in which you can have your Novena , his prayers, his rosary and history of the custodian of the holy family.
In the Saint Joseph application you can find the following prayers:
- Thanksgiving Prayer for a Newborn Chil
- Look Down to Us, Saint Joseph
- Saint Joseph Was a Just Man
- Sing of Mary, Sing of Joseph
- To Know One’s Vocation
- O Joseph, Mighty Patron
- Veneration of St. Joseph
- Memorare to St. Joseph
- Angelus of St. Joseph
- Protector of Homes
- Hail, Holy Joseph
- Great St. Joseph
- For Employment
- Litany for Life
- For Purity
- For Life
St. Joseph's Ninth:
We know that in 1955 Pope Pius XII instituted that Saint Joseph Worker's Day be May 1, in order to remember the Christian feeling of work. Also known as the Patriarch and Protector of the family and the Church.
St. Joseph Obrero, who was the adoptive father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and also a model for all parents, celebrates a kind of “birthday” every March 19, in which we commemorate the solemnity of Saint Joseph, therefore, popularly It is known as St. Joseph's Day. And although it may not seem so, he is considered the most important saint of the Catholic Church after the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Although Saint Joseph does not say much in the Holy Bible, he is well called and with good reason the Patron of the Universal Church for his legacy of life, the love and protection of the Virgin Mary and of Our Lord. Pope Leo XIII, in detail observes the correct behavior of Joseph as husband and father, which makes him a great saint and role model.
To commemorate their solemnity, many Catholic faithful use to pray the Novena to St. Joseph, beginning on March 10. However, his prayer is so powerful that it is also recommended to pray it at any time of anguish or urgent need.
If BlackJack you are encouraged, we encourage you to meditate on a need of yours or someone in particular. It may not be possible to guarantee that you will get the answer you so desperately desire, but be confident that Saint Joseph will be there to listen just as a father who patiently waits and intercedes before God, our Father.
If perhaps you do not have an urgent need, we encourage you to ask St. Joseph through his novena and prayers, for a common cause, to intercede for example for the Christians of the Middle East or the extreme poverty of the world, or the situation current that we all go through at this time.
Download our Saint Joseph Novena application right now and also get your prayers and Rosary, an application totally dedicated to St. Joseph Obrero.