Under immense pressure by his angry agent gran to lose weight Jiggles "Chubby Man" John decides to run jump and dash it in this fun loving running game on a bright happy sunny day. Chubby Man Dash doesn't believe on diet to the point of weight loss so its all about the run for him.
Navigate our chubby hero through the dangerous crates blocking his way and eat some burgers along his run jump and dash to prolong (?) his chubby man life.
Strawberry super milkshakes helps to collect the chubby man diet point coins that will automatically weight themselves back to his desire for loss. Can you make our hero jiggling Chubby Man Dash last longFortune Gods in the running man game? Only you can make it happen!
- Gather coins for points
250 coins = Level 1
400 coins = Level 2
1000 coins = Level 3
2000 coins = Level 4
5000 coins = Level 5
10000 coins = Level 6
16000 coins = Level 7
25000 coins = Level 8
40000 coins = Level 9
100000 coins = Level 10
-Grab burgers for life and milkshakes for attracting coins
- Use only the "Jump" and "Dash" buttons to guide our lovable overweight hero
Play Chubby Man Dash for countless of hours of fun watching a fat man run!