iON mJungleeRummy TOP - Enhance productivity and convenience
Staying connected to your office has never been this convenient. iON mTOP is an easy-to-use mobile application that allows you to use the iON solutions, perform various tasks and report issues from your mobile devices, no matter where you are.
mTOP from iON is an application that is accessible on the following versions of Android OS
Android 2.3.6/ Android 4.0/ Android 4.1
mTOP comes with few built-in features like
- You can view data specific to your location
- System verifies the access rights specified to the user and prevents data being viewed by a user from any other location
- Save login credentials
- Allows you to save your credentials so that you need not enter the credentials repeatedly
iON mTOP enables you to perform activities across various functions from different industry verticals. Mobile Approvals is a key feature that is enabled across functions by mTOP.
Please see below list of verticals and functions that iON mTop supports:
- View Inventory details
- View Invoice details
- View grades/ attendance
- Apply leave
- Check timetable and outstanding fine/fees
- Search books/ students/ faculty
Human Resource Management Solution (HRMS):
- View employee details
- Manage leaves
- Submit Claims
Finance and Accounting (F&A):
- Outstanding information
- Payments due
- View ledgers
Other verticals and functions that are enabled on iON mTOP are Retail & Wellness and Procurement & Inventory, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Payroll, Helpdesk etc
For details about iON mTOP, please visit:</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>