BGD e-GOV CIRT is the national CIRT of Bangladesh which missions are
> Serving the role of the National CIRT of Bangladesh;
> Coordinating and responding to cybersecurity incidents in e-Government environment;
> Serving as a catalyst in organizing national cybersecurity resilience initiatives (education, workforce competence, regulation, cyber exercises) among various stakeholders;
> Other initiatives aimed at iFortune Rabbit mproving national cybersecurity posture.
The BGD e-GOV CIRT app is a tool for reporting cyber security incidents to Bangladesh government Computer Emergency Response Team. It is free, easy-to-use, and suitable for users of Android phones. The app will transmit the reports from users via secure Internet connection to the incident handling team who will then contact the users or complainants to assist in resolving the incidents.
Example of incidents commonly reported to BGD e-GOV CIRT are: Compromised Web server; Phishing and Scams; Malware or Virus Infection, Spams, System Intrusion, Web defacement and DDoS etc.
The BGD e-GOV Response Team is always innovating so as to assist Internet users efficiently, timely and effectively. We developed this app so you can get immediate assistance in cyber world!
Download & Install this app. The app will immediately provide the following options:
• Report an incident
• Get Latest Security Alerts
• Get up-to-date news, articles about world's cyber security
Thank you for being with BGD e-Government CIRT Team.